historic streetscapes Store on Main Street, 1896. Women walking behind Stark Paper mill about 1900. H.C. White Factory about 1905. Mr. and Mrs. White leaving their factory about 1905. Crowd greeting Admiral Dewey at rail station, 1899. Looking south from second floor Welling House, January 1900. Trolley in Lincoln Square about 1920. Cushman Stone House on Water Street about 1905. Papermill Village during flood of 1927. Prospect Street, North Bennington, with Cushman warehouse. South from street in front of market, 1911. Water Street, 1901. Water Street in 1907. Log home on Water Street about 1900. Trolley by Stark Paper mill about 1915. Village from above Welling Field, 1904. Grapery in garden behind the Hiland Hall Farmhouse in 1911. Main and Bank, looking north Old St. Johns and west side of village, c1910. Welling house, c1905. Houghton & Main, 1914 Houghton and Main, with bandstand. Bank and Congregational Church, c1910. Park Street? c1910 Lincoln Square, c 1910. School c1910 Hotel White circa 1915 Old St. John the Baptist Church, c1910. Old St. John the Baptist seen from Haviland's Privilege. Behind old St. John Graded School, perhaps in the 1880s. "Gov. McCullough's House" c1915. Trolley heading to Hoosick Sodom, c1900. Congregational Church, 1914. Trolley on Bank Street with pedestrians, c1915. Railroad hotel, c1915. Percey's Newsroom in 1946. Cushman Stone House on Water Street in 1914. Lower Main Street with trolley and pedestrians, c1915. Jennings residence « ‹ of 2 › » Back to main page for image galleries